Dipl.-Phys. Felix Bleimund
- Trajektorien-Optimierung
- Forschungsgruppe:
- Sprechstunden:
nach Vereinbarung
- felix bleimund ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Titel | Quelle | Autor |
Recursive B-spline approximation using the Kalman filter | Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2016, Volume 20, Issue 1, pp 28-34 |
Automated Longitudinal Control Based on Nonlinear Recursive B-Spline Approximation for Battery Electric Vehicles | World Electric Vehicle Journal 2019, 10, 52 Special Issue Autonomous Driving of EVs MDPI, Basel, Switzerland, EISSN 2032-6653 |
An Iterative Method Based on the Marginalized Particle Filter for Nonlinear B-spline Data Approximation and Trajectory Optimization | Mathematics 2019, 7(4), 355
Titel | Tagung | Autoren |
Recursive Generalized Total Least Squares with Noise Covariance Estimation | IFAC World Congress (IFAC'14) |
Platinum nanoparticles and their cellular uptake and DNA platination at non-cytotoxic concentrations | Archives of Toxicology Ausgabe 85 |
Gehrke, Helge |
Titel | Ansprechpartner | Partner |
e-generation Energiemanagement |
Porsche, RWTH Aachen |
Titel | Typ | Datum |
Trajektorienoptimierung mit Kalman Filter | Masterarbeit | ab sofort |