Schäfer, S.; Greiner-Fuchs, L.; Hofmeier, T.; Koch, P.; Cichon, M.
Virtual Validation Method of Automated on-Sight Driving Systems for Shunting Operations
2023. EasyChair Preprint no. 9828, 10th International Conference on Rail Operations Modelling and Analysis (2023), Belgrad, Serbien, 25.04.2023–28.04.2023, EasyChair
Virtual Validation Method of Automated on-Sight Driving Systems for Shunting Operations
2023. EasyChair Preprint no. 9828, 10th International Conference on Rail Operations Modelling and Analysis (2023), Belgrad, Serbien, 25.04.2023–28.04.2023, EasyChair
Greiner-Fuchs, L.; Schäfer, S.; Hofmeier, T.; Cichon, M.
7-Layer Shunting Model: Generische Szenariobeschreibung automatisierter Rangierfunktionen
2024. IRSA 2023 : Tagungsband/proceedings: Aachen, Germany 22-23 November 2023, Ed.: Nießen, Nils ; Schindler, Christian, 693–712, RWTH Aachen University. doi:10.18154/RWTH-2024-00257
7-Layer Shunting Model: Generische Szenariobeschreibung automatisierter Rangierfunktionen
2024. IRSA 2023 : Tagungsband/proceedings: Aachen, Germany 22-23 November 2023, Ed.: Nießen, Nils ; Schindler, Christian, 693–712, RWTH Aachen University. doi:10.18154/RWTH-2024-00257
Greiner-Fuchs, L.; Cichon, M. G.
Knowledge-Based Approach to Generate Scenarios for Testing Highly Automated On-Sight Train Operations
2024. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems, 394–401
Knowledge-Based Approach to Generate Scenarios for Testing Highly Automated On-Sight Train Operations
2024. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems, 394–401